Thursday, December 08, 2011

Faces and sketches

Hello all, been busy and had very little time to draw this semester. Classes ended yesterday but I've still got a week and a half before the end of exams. Posting a bunch of sketches from the semester. Nothing much, but it's something. Hopefully the break and coming term will allow for more drawing time!

Dec 1st
Got CS5, which I am very happy about. This was my first test sketch in the program. I'm loving the brush dynamics. Entirely done on one layer with one brush for paint (black) and one for erase and lots of alterations to the shapes and size of said brushes. I'm really looking forward to seeing what it can do over the break.

Life drawing
Late Nov. - yesterday
Been drawing people a lot. I often draw my classmates when bored in class, but I've been taking out my sketchbook a lot lately to pass time. The first set are from a coffee shop (top right was a guy at his computer and the rest are of my friends who are unable to stay still unless concentrating on pokemon). Second and third pages are just random people studying or texting. 2-10 minutes a piece.

Notebook doodles
Sometime in October? Before I stared the illustration from the previous post. A bunch of doodles of Adrain and his various hair lengths (he chops it off himself, which is why it's never even). Messing around with angles and trying to get a firm grip on his jawline, nose, and how well the right side of his face can work (because of the scarring). Also a rough sketch of the illustration from the previous post.

More notebook doddles
Inspirations - period waist/tailcoats, AtLA's clothing, geishas, middle-eastern clothing
October or November
Doddles of another character from the All Hail canon, Alia in her royalish clothing. 

The Animal - The Fountain
Drawing of the Animal from the short story The Fountain, drawn on the actual photocopy of the story I have. Described as a dog-like being the size of a horse, all white and shaggy, with cat's paws. I'd like to illustrate this properly later.

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