Monday, August 29, 2011

New Orleans

Been down South visiting the 'rents for the past week. I finally had some time to draw today on the flight back after a long exam period following by visits. We went over to New Orleans for a few days and I found the atmosphere to be quite beautiful. This is one of three designs that popped into my head while there.

Family Vault
Inspirations - Lafayette Cemetery 
August 29th 2011
We stopped off at Lafayette on our way out. I spent a long time wandering through the old vaults that were breaking apart and over-grown with moss or plants. I fell in love with the form, the cracks and breaks, and the plants growing out from the walls and roofs. This is more or less a combination of those things.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swan Lake

One of two illustrations I'm working on right now from Swan Lake. The recent essay on Black Swan that I've been writing all summer can totally be blamed for this (and all the tutus I've been drawing).

Rothbart - Swan Lake
Inspirations - masks, birds
August 13th
Watercolour; finished illustration from the sketch previously posted. I don't have anything to say about this I guess. If it wasn't obvious by now, I really like masks and birds. Also puffy sleeves and pants. I really need expand my designs in different directions.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

I know kung-fu

Busy writing papers, but I worked on this between classes and on breaks.
We can totally ignore the proportion issues and off-balanceness of everything. Yes. Most definitely.

Inspirations - monk lady from previous entry, various East Asian monks, geometric designs, parkour, inadvertently, Tony Jaa and Stephen Chow
August 2011
Came up with a sort of spiritual successor to the monk lady from a month ago one night and decided he needed an epic action pose. Somewhere along the way he took on a look more akin to a modern martial arts star than a monk, funny how different faces and hair styles do that, but I couldn't bring myself to erase his face. Definitely more of a hollywood kung-fu style than originally intended. I'll post the little thumb nail sketch I based this off of in my next sketch post.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Some more sketches from my sketchbook. I kind of forgot about it this past week and a bit (and the various drawings I'd done in it), whoops. Things discovered today: my favourite pen hates the paper in my sketchbook and my scanner hates scanning my sketches well. All sketches about 5-10 minutes.

Snow White and Rose Red - "Snow White and Rose Red" from Grimm's Fairytales
Inspirations - lace, bloomers, frilly things
Been thinking about this one for quite some time. Even though I got the bear character down fairly quickly the twins caused a lot of trouble. I experimented with a large number of designs, mostly girly dresses, for the innocent Rose and Snow, but nothing worked. I knew I wanted to have them in something where both would be wearing the same outfit with a palette swap or an addition of red on Rose Red's clothing. Today, while in Early Mod Phil (like always), I began playing with the idea of something lacy, but not a dress since I feel that 'innocent child in a dress' is way to over done. I like the outcome of bloomers with a lacy top. Lots of cut-work at the hems of the shirt, bloomers, and sleeves, with lace sewn in layers at the collar. Ribbon at the knees, elbows, neck, and around the waist (only showing in a small bit on the front and tying in the back). Better illustration to follow at a later date.

Inspirations - birds, Atlantis, saris
summer 2011
Counterpart of the woman from my first post. Not much to say. The scan lost the images of her mask next to her. It was a long, angular, and skeletal bird mask.

Major Kusanagi - Ghost in the Shell
Inspirations - Ghost in the Shell (1995 film)
I'm a big fan of cyber punk films and a moderate fan of the Ghost in the Shell films and series, mostly because of the Major, the setting, and the philosophy behind it (I'm actually tempted to say that the philosophy of the mind and machines seen in many cyber punk works is what drew me to philosophy). This isn't really a costume design, or at least I feel like it's a cop-out to say it is, since I was just sketching something based on a pre-existing design and character. Mostly just feeding my love and desire for the cyber punk style. I'd love the opportunity to collaborate on a cyber punk project in the future, but I feel as if the genre died with The Matrix.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Roaring Girl

Took the weekend off after (and between) paper hell. Been on a Hans Zimmer craze; I have nothing but love for his music. Spent much of it in a Dark Knight and Inception fuelled drawing spree to get Moll done before heading back into the depths of libraries and Microsoft Word.

Moll (modern version) - The Roaring Girl
Inspirations - Jeffery Kurland's designs for Arthur in Inception
July - Aug 2011
Modern design for Moll; I think that despite its age, The Roaring Girl would make an excellent play set in modern day. The play itself is a social commentary of the early 17th century treatment of women in England and Moll, the protagonist and titular Roaring Girl, is a cross-dresser who stands up for women while dressing in very stylish men's clothing. Originally I wanted to have her pallet at a set of warm neutral tones and beiges, but using browns and beiges in my drawings is one of my greatest weaknesses. I must have gone through about 15 colour schemes before settling on the one seen here. Basically her clothing is just men's clothing fitted for a woman's form. Dark grey vest with gold lining and back, white shirt with English cuffs, a thin black tie, and lighter grey slacks. There are small, matching details throughout her outfit, like the small gold orb buttons at her wrists, as her tie pin, and on front and back hips. Buttons on men's side (left over right) with hand stitched button holes because they look so much better and are much classier. Dark grey men's shoes with a flat, long, and slightly curved toe. Also, I put a small shell clasp on her hair to add the slightest touch of femininity.