Wednesday, August 03, 2011


Some more sketches from my sketchbook. I kind of forgot about it this past week and a bit (and the various drawings I'd done in it), whoops. Things discovered today: my favourite pen hates the paper in my sketchbook and my scanner hates scanning my sketches well. All sketches about 5-10 minutes.

Snow White and Rose Red - "Snow White and Rose Red" from Grimm's Fairytales
Inspirations - lace, bloomers, frilly things
Been thinking about this one for quite some time. Even though I got the bear character down fairly quickly the twins caused a lot of trouble. I experimented with a large number of designs, mostly girly dresses, for the innocent Rose and Snow, but nothing worked. I knew I wanted to have them in something where both would be wearing the same outfit with a palette swap or an addition of red on Rose Red's clothing. Today, while in Early Mod Phil (like always), I began playing with the idea of something lacy, but not a dress since I feel that 'innocent child in a dress' is way to over done. I like the outcome of bloomers with a lacy top. Lots of cut-work at the hems of the shirt, bloomers, and sleeves, with lace sewn in layers at the collar. Ribbon at the knees, elbows, neck, and around the waist (only showing in a small bit on the front and tying in the back). Better illustration to follow at a later date.

Inspirations - birds, Atlantis, saris
summer 2011
Counterpart of the woman from my first post. Not much to say. The scan lost the images of her mask next to her. It was a long, angular, and skeletal bird mask.

Major Kusanagi - Ghost in the Shell
Inspirations - Ghost in the Shell (1995 film)
I'm a big fan of cyber punk films and a moderate fan of the Ghost in the Shell films and series, mostly because of the Major, the setting, and the philosophy behind it (I'm actually tempted to say that the philosophy of the mind and machines seen in many cyber punk works is what drew me to philosophy). This isn't really a costume design, or at least I feel like it's a cop-out to say it is, since I was just sketching something based on a pre-existing design and character. Mostly just feeding my love and desire for the cyber punk style. I'd love the opportunity to collaborate on a cyber punk project in the future, but I feel as if the genre died with The Matrix.

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