Monday, September 26, 2011

Geisha Cleopatra

Been busy with school work, and with school work comes boredom and the need to draw. Did this today after a set of rather uninspiring classes.

Inspirations - "What else is there?" by Royksopp, Cash Back, that snake woman sculpture that's really, really old, Geishas, Cleopatra (reading Antony and Cleopatra by Dryden), "sketch-WIP-etc-duct-tape-idk" by NorthernBanshee, a pencil skirt worn by one of the girls in St. Trinians, the Geisha dolls in Ghost in the Shell, art nouveau
Sept. 26th 2011
Thus far, one of my best and most balanced designs. Done in about an hour and a half following class today. Not much to say. Probably will end up being a main portfolio piece.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Here's a WIP. Currently stuck on the skirt pattern. The whole design started when I thought of a skirt with that pattern but I'm not sure if I like it with the rest of the outfit.

Inspirations - Art nouveau, Victorian clothing (no period specifically), the pattern on the skirt, harlot characters, fans
Sept 15-16
Started with the skirt pattern and colours and got stuck. Ho-hum. Definitely one of the most complex designs thus far and not normally me. I'm liking it but need to get the skirt to work. Ideally her ankles would show, but I do love how Victorian skirts hit and lightly touch the floor. Choices, choices. 

Bit of a joke: If this was for a movie, this would be such Oscar bait. Vaguely Victorian inspired theatrical costumes for sexually active and angsty women! How could the Academy not fall madly in love and declare them the best costumes of the year! Iamahorribleperson.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So, have you figured out that I like tutus yet?

Hello all, sorry for the lack of updates. In my weeks off from class I had my summer's life condensed into a few very packed days of constant interaction. Class has started again so I should have a more structured schedule again soon and hopefully I'll get out of my funk that I've been in over the past couple of weeks. I feel like my work's getting really repetitive and drawing from too few concepts and styles. I need to nest myself in the GT500-1500 section of the library again soon (costume history section). I'm getting very anxious since grad-school applications are soon and I need my portfolio to be excellent. If anyone has any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate them, I like criticism.

On a happier note, I've begun work on a costume for Halloween (which is very serious business). I started draughting pattern pieces the other day and hope to get a mock up and possibly the beginnings of one piece of it done this weekend. *fingers crossed*

Anyways, as promised in the title, tutus:

Odile - Swan Lake
Inspirations - Black Swan, feathers, gold
Aug-Sept 2011
Please excuse the horrible background and complete lack of a single light source - I got carried away and I feel like I lost the design behind the rendering. Not much to say. I like this one but would like to draw it again in watercolour so it works better with the VonRothbart illustration done a few weeks ago.

V. 1 updated
I changed the base top-plate colour to work with the rest of the tutu better. I had V. 2 as my background on Haydee (laptop) for the longest time. V. 2 was far more balanced, but I felt like V. 1 had a far stronger top, so I balanced the top-plate better to suit it. I think this works a bit better (I hope you agree).