Saturday, September 17, 2011


Here's a WIP. Currently stuck on the skirt pattern. The whole design started when I thought of a skirt with that pattern but I'm not sure if I like it with the rest of the outfit.

Inspirations - Art nouveau, Victorian clothing (no period specifically), the pattern on the skirt, harlot characters, fans
Sept 15-16
Started with the skirt pattern and colours and got stuck. Ho-hum. Definitely one of the most complex designs thus far and not normally me. I'm liking it but need to get the skirt to work. Ideally her ankles would show, but I do love how Victorian skirts hit and lightly touch the floor. Choices, choices. 

Bit of a joke: If this was for a movie, this would be such Oscar bait. Vaguely Victorian inspired theatrical costumes for sexually active and angsty women! How could the Academy not fall madly in love and declare them the best costumes of the year! Iamahorribleperson.

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