Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

No drawings today. I've got a costume (partially made) which I haven't uploaded to Haydee yet. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy halloween before it was over, fitting since this is a costume blog. I also just wanted to say how odd I find it that these days you have to go as something, particularly something or someone tied to some sort of pop culture... thing. A costume's a costume, and I'd much rather prefer something original and interesting than a from the box slutty costume (this is, of course, coming from the girl who dressed up as a corvid this year). Anyways, ignore my meanderings if you wish.

I'm sorry about the lack of updates for anyone who follows this blog, if there are any. Been busy and, quite frankly, been thinking that I'd like to spread my wings and work more in illustration than strictly costume design. A few of the illustrations I've been working on might make their way onto here soon. Same format, but different content.

Hope everyone had a spooky night and that your tummies aren't too bloated from mass candy consumption.

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