Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm alive; I'm just busy!

I still live and what-not. I've been busy with school work and illustrations/comic pages (I've joined a comic making group on campus, what joy). I've been doing very little costume/design work as I've been working on larger projects with my spare time. Here's a few drawings I've been working on. I've got a backlog of old drawings to scan, I'll get to that soon.

Rowan and the Spider - "Rowan and the Spider"
Inspirations - very little actually, wait no, nothing comes to mind, that's a change.
November 2011
Character sketches for a comic I'm working on. It's a 9 page story about Rowan, a young girl, based off a story I wrote for my creative writing class. I wrote the story in late October right before Halloween and really liked it, so I decided to make it into a comic for my group's publication. Thus far only one page is done. In case you're wondering why Rowan's naked (SPOILERS), I've never understood why people's clothing goes with them in the afterlife so she's naked in the comic, obviously her body will not have detail beyond outlines and a bellybutton seeing as how she's very young.

Inspirations - birds, women, you know, the usual, and the Tortall series by Tamora Pierce
October 2011?
Sketch from late one night continuing my never-ending obsession with birds and curvy ladies. I'd like to paint this one some time. Or possibly make something about her. I really like her. We can ignore the fact that birds are not mammals and therefore should not have mammaries, or hips for that matter.

Inspirations - Chinese and Korean clothing, pleated gowns, a skirt from the Qing Dynasty
Sometime in the last couple months
Another late night drawing, one I forgot about until I opened the notebook next to my bed to draw the bird lady. It was before the monk lady from back when I started this blog... so... June? Another drawing I'd like to paint (maybe digitally). Palette of purple-red, black, and gold.

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