Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mini post

Hey everyone, I'm not dead, just a bit under the weather. I probably won't be posting as frequently over the next month or two. Such a drag as I was really in a good groove this semester. Anyways, here's a couple of sketched done over the past few weeks.

Inspirations - birds, always birds. I love those little guys, as if that wasn't obvious by now. African wooden masks as well as pretty much any kind of mask that I've encountered in my trips to museums like the ROM and the Menil Collection.
Red col-erase, 2 weeks ago?
Amelia's face is off in the profile. Her jaw does not look like that. I'm not sold on Rodrigo's owl mask. I think I'll be fiddling around with that one some more.

Inspirations - mongolian boots (because they are so incredibly awesome), the hair styles I came up with for the Rapunzel pair, some old sketches
Red col-erase, 1 week ago
Been writing a lot for the All Hail universe thanks to the short story I'm working on for class. I decided that I needed a good look for the Northern Tribes that was very different from the look of Sentrans like Amelia, Rodrigo, and Adrian. I ended up using a lot of old sketch ideas and working with simpler, more angular lines than the puffy Sentran look. Lots of layers of wool to combat the cold. I think I need to incorporate the design on their boots into their clothes more.

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