Saturday, March 03, 2012

Bechdel Test

So, this started out as a simple parody and quickly became lots of fun and pretty good design/layout practice. I know my parents and possible friends of family are going to find this, and to them I say, if Hans was a girl no one would take a second glance. That's why I made this, to point out the baffling disparities in the roles and portrayals of men and women in movies.

Tables Turned 01-Bechdel Test
Inspirations - action films, the Bechdel test (google it), 5 man bands (see previous post in January),  TVtropes, Vasquez from Alien, Gendo Ikari from Evangelion, Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible, hamletmachine
So, anyways, you've got the leader, the second in command, the brains, the brawn, and the "chick". As a friend pointed out, this team is also really diverse. I can't stand the over-representation of white/caucasian persons in media so the team is also from various parts of the world. I have to thank my friends for helping me come up with these names, you're all so wonderful!
For anyone wondering, yes, that is insanely fine print on Hans' right thigh. It says "We don't know. He sleeps with the main character and then we stuff him in a fridge. What else are we supposed to do with him?" I could not bring myself to fail at anatomy and put him in the standard boobs/ass pose you so often see with girls. Instead you just have an over sexualized pretty boy.
Edit: Fixed Hans' chest. A lovely friend pointed out an anatomy issue that I wasn't aware of prior. I think things are still a bit off, but then again, I've never actually seen a buy with this body type with his hands about his head. All my models have been older and done pretty masculine poses. I'll have to ask a guy to pose like this the next time I find a shirtless man of similar body type.

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