Saturday, May 17, 2014

I'm more or less going to say this blog is dead

If it wasn't obvious I've shifted over to my tumblr as my main art blog. You can find a link to it up on the top bar if you haven't shifted over there and still would like to follow my work. Thanks for coming by over the last few years.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daily Draw best of days 12-20

I finally caught up on my daily draw. I drew them wildly out of order since I wanted to wait until the 14th for incubus/succubus and also because I was really behind on them so order stopped having any meaning. I was just finally almost caught up last week when I had two 10 hour shifts this past weekend. I did five of them in the past 27 hours and two in a few hours on Tuesday so I'm pretty frazzled.

From top to bottom: day 19 - dullahan, day 18 - cyclops, day 16 - alien, day 17 - ghost, day 13 - reptile, day 15 - true monster, and day 14 - incubus/succubus

Friday, February 14, 2014

Daily Draw February days 2-11

Days 3 and 6 were bust so they're not being posted here.
From top to bottom: day 2 - centaur, day 4 - naga, day 5 - mermaid, day 7 - plant, day 8 - zombie, day 9 - insect, day 10 - demon, day 11 - robots

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Daily Draw February and 30 Day Monster Girl Challenge

I'm doing Daily Draw and a 30 day challenge over on my tumblr. I'll be posting recaps here at the end of each week but if you'd like to follow along as I go click the "daily draw" button at the top of my blog spot.

For now, here's the start, a raven harpy.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Liz from my webcomic for promotional postcards I'll be sending out over the next few weeks in hopes of getting some freelance illustration gigs.

One of my biggest pet peeves in any narrative including robots/androids/AIs is the whole SYNTHETIC LIFE WANTS ONLY TO DESTROY ORGANIC LIFE that is pretty much the biggest mainstay of the genre. Liz, as a result is pretty fond of plants and a large portion of her character arc is trying to connect to organic life and further her own consciousness via her continued interaction with others.

Monday, January 20, 2014

More ink guys

 More ink from last week's drawing night. My beloved roommate gave me a pair of moleskins for Christmas and man, it's like drawing on silk but without the guilt.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another attempt at Samara

Samara's been on this blog before. She's one of my favourite Mass Effect characters - which is saying something because the series is one of my most beloved things in the entire world. But I have a lot of trouble with her character model; she's basically everything I've ever wanted in a badass lady, beauty, ferocity, determination that would make a Terminator blush. and untold wisdom of a thousand year life span. She had so much potential to be perfect but her model makes her look like a sexy strawberry and does absolutely nothing to convey her complexities. I wanted to try another redesign this time playing  around with the styles worn by Asari in game and made them more battle-monk-ish to suit her. I really wish she had have looked something more like this rather than blatant fanservice for the male segments of the audience.