Saturday, July 02, 2011

Blog started

The costume blog of Jess Sheridan has now been born. Please bear with me as I figure out the design and all the little bits and pieces of this site. For now, here are a few sketches and illustrations to start this thing off right! They're all just ideas or things that popped into my mind. None of them are based off of plays, books, or other such works - those are mostly traditional and must be scanned.

Inspiration: Buddhist monks, Hindu designs/henna
June 30th-current
Design I began working on last night. Final version will be done soon. One of my favourite designs yet.

Inspirations: 17th century European men's clothing, Middle Eastern clothing
December 2010- January 2011
Amelia's one of the main characters for a story that's been going around in my head for a few years. I did this to see if I could create a continuous costume history with the following in mind 1. change in her status/wealth 2. limited advancements in costume style similar to costume changes prior to the industrial revolution 3. Amelia is not the most fashion conscious person in the world, nor does she care to show off her wealth. I feel that it was a moderate success, if anything the final design (the starting design) sticks out.

Inspiration: San from Princess Mononoke and Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Spring 2011
Subject of another odd little story like Amelia. To-hi is part of a 4 page comic thing I'm working on right now. She has a bird mask (not shown) that when worn turns her into a large navy bird.

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