Monday, January 02, 2012

Tables Turned

So, I recently decided that I have an intense hatred for the portrayal of women in pretty much every modern medium. As both an artist and a writer (that second part is a bit sketchier) I decided that I should start a satirical comic series about all of the inequalities and down right stupid gender assumptions and constructs that I find infuriating. Here are a few rough sketches for the first comic done while at a coffee drawing thing with friends tonight.

Tables Turned 01 sketches
Inspiration - action movie posters, the 5 man band archetype
Jan 2nd
Col erase pencil 
I love action movies. They are so very, very bad and stupid but I adore them. The one thing that always gets me is that the girl (if there is one) is always clearly just there for T&A and completely brain dead. She's useless, and if she's not she'll be there for the "designated girl fight" against some femme fatale knock off. She will always, without fail, be wearing less than her male peers and/or her clothes will be a skin tight leather cat-suit. There are very few exceptions to this and it's pretty alienating being a girl who likes action films (or anything geeky really, read this article, Nerds and Male Privilege, if you're interested in the subject).
Anyways, the first comic in the series of Tables Turned is a gender swapped version of the 5 Man Band with the one guy as "the chick" complete with absurdly skimpy clothing. I still need to tweak a few designs (the top right woman's style in the second image really contrasts with the overall design) but I'm pleased with them thus far. I might reuse the woman with the long hair. Definitely one of the more interesting faces I've drawn.

I am totally aware that this project will forever brand me a feminazi, but seriously, when I (and a number of my female friends) can't enjoy a book or film without being alienated there's something wrong with societal norms.

I should also note, this blog is really not about costumes anymore. It needs a new name. I'll be thinking about that for the next little while. Any ideas?

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