Sunday, February 05, 2012


Inspirations - The Vision of Escaflowne film, Japanese clothing, European clothing
Pencil, ~15 minutes
Just finished watching the Escaflowne movie; it's not much in terms of plot, especially compared to the TV series, but the artistic direction is awesome. I rarely see such wonderful mixing of Western and Eastern styles like those seen in Escaflowne. Of course, like any time I watch/read/see something interesting, I made something new along those lines. Here's a lady rocking a tailed vest inspired by Japanese military jackets (I honestly don't know their names), wearing geta (shoes) with spat pants and big leg-o-mutton sleeves. Fun times.
Just fyi, I love mixing genres/styles. There are few things I like more than deconstructing norms or combining elements from things that aren't normally put together. I don't do it that often, but I love it when either I do or I find someone else who does.
EDIT: Splashed some colour on it with photoshop. One layer on multiply. About 30 minutes.

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